Saturday, November 3, 2012

Fall back.

I will be really happy when this election is over because that's when the damned phone calls will stop.

Today I received three phone calls. The first one was to tell me that Elizabeth Warren was going to take my guns away. The second one was to tell me that Willard Romney was going to give my job to a guy from China and the third was was to tell me that Scott Brown was going to take away my wife and daughter's civil rights.

I have yet to hear what evil Barack Obama is preparing to foist upon me but I imagine it's got something to do with taking my money and giving it to illegal aliens from the planet Venus.


The lawn is clean but I have a feeling that status is not going to last long. My neighbors yard is covered with leaves and the wind is blowing in my direction.

I hate when the wind is blowing in my direction....


My daughter came home this weekend so she could go get her "big girl license".

Up until now, her drivers license has been vertical to indicate that she is a minor. Last Tuesday, she turned 21 years old which means she now gets a horizontal license like all the adults in her life.

It's nice to be 21 years old.


While I spend my evening answering my phone, you can click on these links:

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