Sunday, November 11, 2012

Yet another life tip for you.

I have four or five email addresses for various things. One of those email addresses is a gmail address that I use for spammy kinda things. For instance, if I am on a website that wants me to create an account to view their content, I use my gmail address to create the account because I know it's going to get a ton of spam.

The other day, I noticed a series of emails that seemed sorta legitimate but from an unknown sender. I decided to open one and found that it was from an engineering firm in London where I had apparently interviewed for a job. They wanted me to come in for a second interview with a vice president.

At first I thought it was spam but then I realized that it wasn't spam. It was a mistake.

Right now, there is some guy in London who went for a job interview and when he filled out the forms, he gave them the wrong email address. He probably would have gotten the job if he went in for the second interview but he never knew about the second interview.

Here is a life tip for you: When you interview for a job, make sure that all of your information is correct. Make sure you put down the right phone number and for cripes sake, make sure you put down the correct email address.


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