A couple of weeks ago, my wife bought an elliptical machine to add to her workout area. When it arrived here, I put it together and everything was great.
At least it seemed great until Thursday when my wife came upstairs and said, "I felt something snap and now there is no resistance on the elliptical."
She contacted the manufacturer via the recommended email route and after 24 hours had not heard anything back. That was when she reached out to Amazon who assured her they would contact the seller and get her issue resolved.
In the meantime, I got to looking at the machine and noticed that the flywheel was out of alignment. This led me to believe that the issue was not a broken belt but instead a problem with the way the wheel was aligned. There was no way the belt was going to stay on the wheel.
I said, "I am more than willing to dismantle the machine and see if it is something I can fix but understand that I bet the minute I take it apart, I void the warranty."
My wife, who has faith in my mechanical and technical abilities, said, "Go for it."
So I spent a good part of yesterday dismantling an elliptical machine.
Once I got to the flywheel axle, I found a snap ring that was no longer in its groove and that caused the flywheel to shift out of alignment. That misalignment caused the belt to come off the flywheel.
I moved the flywheel back into alignment, snapped the ring back into its groove, put the belt back on.
Then I spent the remainder of the day remantling the machine.
I'm pleased to say that my wife is once again happily elliptizing.
And that is the reason there was no update yesterday.
As for the Bruins, the Lightning won their game on Friday, moving the Bruins back to the wildcard but the Bruins won yesterday and the Lightning lost last night.
That means the Bruins are once again in the divisional, one point ahead of the Lightning.
I have a feeling this swapping back-and-forth thing is going to go on for a while.
In the world of football, the Commanders and the Eagles played the NFC championship at 3:00 this afternoon.
As I type this, the score is 15-27 in favor of the Eagles at the half.
Hopefully the Commanders turn things around in the second half because I still want to see a Commanders/Bills Superb Owl.
Speaking of the Bills, they take on the Chiefs at 6:30 this evening.
Here are some links: