Monday, February 24, 2025

First rainout of the season

The Red Sox were supposed to play the New York Aaron Judges this afternoon but the Florida weather had other plans and the game was cancelled due to rain.

Since the Bruins are off today, that means no sportings for me.

The Red Sox and the Braves will go at it tomorrow at 1:05.

Two months ago I had a crown put in and everything was great. My tooth was no longer cracked and I was living the good life. Then, about three weeks ago, I started to experience some pain whenever something cold came into contact with that particular tooth.

This morning, I visited my dentist, he took an X-Ray, poked around in my mouth and said, "Well, I can't rule out a dying nerve. I want you to go see root canal specialist."

Now I have experienced more than a few root canals in my life and I can tell you, I don't like them. No sir, I don't like them one bit.

This afternoon I went to see a root canal specialist and he took an X-Ray, poked around in my mouth and said, "You appear to have a bruised nerve and I don't think you need a root canal. Come back and see me in four weeks for a follow-up just to be sure."

My day has been an emotional rollercoaster...

Here are some links:

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