Monday, December 30, 2024

Not busy at all

We made a much-needed Costco run this morning and then I spent the afternoon doing nothing.

It was nice.

The Bruins are holding their own in the division.

As you can see, they are only two points behind the first place Maple Leafs and second place Panthers.

If they can get consistent and go on some winning streaks, they stand a good chance of winning thier division. The problem is they are not consistent.

Some games they come out looking like a bunch of teenagers flailing around on the local pond. Other games they command the ice and dominate their opponents.

Less flailing, more commanding.

I notice the news media is no longer trying to scare the shit out of everyone over the whole "drone" thing.

Maybe they finally figured out that they were actually reporting on planes and helicopters...

Pat has sent an update on his new computer:
  • "I did however load up Windows and a few programs for video encoding and my Ubuntu VM"
  • "the CPU really rarely breaks a sweat"
  • "video encoding that cut my time by around 65%"
  • "compile in Ubuntu also had around a 70% reduction in time"
  • "boot time from power on to the windows login of 10 seconds"
  • "I've been playing golf on it and it runs really smooth"
Sounds to me like Pat has built himself a hell of a nice machine.

Time to see what the local news has to say about our little slice of the world.

Here are some links:

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