Sunday, November 2, 2014

My lawn got done today

With the wind blowing like it is, I expect that come tomorrow morning you won't be able to tell I got all the leaves off my lawn today.

Oh well.


To gamble or not to gamble. That is the question....

I'm not really a gambler. I've been to as Vegas 4 or 5 times on business and each time, I've taken $50 or $100 to play penny slots and be served free beer by young scantily-clad ladies. If I hit the slots, I move over to the cheapest blackjack table I can find and play that until I'm broke.

This Tuesday, we will be asked to vote for or against the casino by voting yes to cancel the expanded gambling law or voting no to leave the law as it stands and allow the casinos to move forward.

If the casino was going to be built in Palmer, I'd vote to stop the expanded gambling laws. The last thing Wilbraham needs is a casino in Palmer.

But the casino isn't going to be in Palmer. It's going to be in Springfield. As a matter of fact, it's going to be in downtown Springfield which puts it as far away from Wilbraham as possible and still keeping it in Springfield.

If you don't know Springfield, count your blessings.

Springfield is a sh!thole and I'm pretty sure Springfield needs to do something to improve its lot. The city of Springfield is a poster child for the current fiscal state of our economy. If you look up sh!thole in the dictionary, a map of Springfield will be next to the definition.

If you don't believe me, here are some stats I pulled from various federal government websites:
  • Springfield unemployment rate = 10.3%
  • Massachusetts unemployment rate = 5.8%
  • Springfield high school graduation rate = 54.9% which means 45.1% don't graduate.
  • Springfield median income = $31,356
  • Massachusetts median income = $65,339
  • Percentage of Springfield residents receiving SNAP (food stamps) = 42%
  • There have been 14 murders in Springfield since January 1, 2014.
So basically, half the population is receiving food stamps, half the kids don't graduate and that 10% unemployment rate is more than likely 50% unemployed because the government only counts those people applying for unemployment assistance or are utilizing government facilities to search for jobs.

Springfield has no where to go but up. No matter how bad things get with a casino, they'll still be better than what they are now.

If you don't believe me, take a drive through Six Corners, Winchester Square or Old Hill.

I suggest you arm yourself before you go...


Don't even think about getting me started on the expanded bottle bill (no), eliminating the gas tax tied to inflation (yes) and sick days for employees of small businesses (no).


Try these links:

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