Saturday, November 22, 2014

One again, my gutters are clean.

I can't help but notice that as I've gotten older, I've developed a "concern" about heights. Not a fear, just a concern.

When I was a kid, I had zero problem being up high. Nothing intimidated me and I enjoyed being in the tops of trees or on the roof of our house. I never once thought to myself, "Man, if you fall you are gonna shatter your innards and end up as a sack of phlegm."

Now, when I'm on the roof of my house, I find myself thinking things like, "This could end poorly. Thanks goodness I'm worth more dead than alive."

My wife does't like it when I say that.


While taking a picture of the serial number of my lawn tractor, I discovered this picture I took in Vegas last week.

It's the view I had while sitting on my hotel room toilet.


Attention baseball people:
    Pitchers and Catchers report in 90 days.
This has been your baseball update. We now return you to your regular programming


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