Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I have a fantastic head cold!

On Friday, I started to feel a little clogged up in the sinus department. Over the weekend, it got a little worse and I was atributing it to pollen.

On Monday morning, I awoke to a full-blown faucet of snot nad realized that if I was dealing with pollen, there was a shitload of it and I was probably going to die.

This morning, I woke up with not only the whole head-filled-with-snot thing but I also had a nice little sore throat and a headache that wouldn't go away. Oh, and I'm sneezing hard enough and often enough to assume I will eventually screw up my back.

I hate head colds.


And to top everything off, the DJIA dropped another 470 points today.

I am never going to be able to retire...


Here are some links to click on:

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