Monday, November 23, 2015

And the long days continue.

On the upside, I managed to get myself a new keyboard at work. My old one was pretty old and it had two problems.

The first was a tendency for the "D" key to stick and the second was a seemingly random event generator that caused the "L" key either work or not.

This resulted in emails that looked a lot like this:
    Hi DDDDDDDDan,

    Regardddddding your request for your project, I undddderstandddd why you needddddd the access but dddue to the recent shift in SEC reguations andddddd the focus from the externa auddddditors, dddddeivering on the request is not likey.

    What is ikely is that we can certainly work to dddddefine and refine your access needddddds so as to eiminate any issues you might run into.

    Give me a cal so we can chat a bit about things.

Not something you want to send off to a co-worker.

Or a cow-orker for that matter....


Here are some links:

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