Thursday, August 21, 2014

Busy day off.

I'm taking today and tomorrow off because, well, I can.

Since I'm a good dad, I took my daughters car in for service this morning so she got to sleep in and enjoy her day off.

Then I changed my cell phone plan so we are now sharing data instead of each of us having a fixed amount. I noticed that my wife and I never use anywhere near the 2gb we are allocated. As a matter of fact, each of us barely uses 500mb of data. My daughter uses just about 1gb of data so between the three of us, we might use 2gb of data each month,

My son, however, constantly uses his 2gb and would probably use more if the system didn't send him warnings at 1.5gb telling him to slow down.

Now, with the new plan having a total of 6gb available to all four of us, we shouldn't have any issues because he can use his 2+gb each month and the rest of us will still have plenty to use.

Oh, and it's probably going to be less expensive for us as well.


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