Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Busy day.

My eldest came home last night because he had doctor/dentist appointments today and then I had to drive him back to Boston this evening.

The reason I had to drive him back is that it seems that his car, the 15 year old Deer Hunter, is no longer a viable mode of transportation. He likes to say, "I'm driving a car that is old enough to get it's own learners permit."

All things considered, that car took us through 15 years & 4 drivers and it cost less than $30,000 when we bought it brand new.

I'd say we got our moneys worth out of it.


So speaking of doctors appointments, our eldest met with his oncologist and he was told, "Your blood work is negative and as much as I enjoy our time together, I don't want to see you again until June of next year."

This, for us, is great news and it made us all very, very happy.

It was one of those days that makes me smile.


Here are some links:

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