Wednesday, June 11, 2014

One in a row.

So the Red Sox managed to score one run last night and that was enough to beat the Orioles.

Hey, take 'em any way you can get 'em....


The next person that asks me what I think we should do about all the gun violence is going to get slapped.

Guns are none-living things, incapable of experiencing emotions. They can't get tired, they can't be happy, they can't be sad and they can't be violent.

People are violent. As a matter of fact, I would guess that humans are the most violent species on the planet.

For instance, we are the only species that kill each other because of what we imagine some special invisible deity is telling us to do. We are also the only species that kill each other just for the heck of it.

We are an extremely violent species and for the longest time, that violence was held in check by social mores.

Now that that we've given every anti-social behavior a name and deemed it a "disease", those mores are gone. Every type of behavior is acceptable because it's a "disease". And since we can't blame someone with a disease for having that disease, we have to blame something so we blame the guns.

Apparently not only are we a violent species, we are a stupid species as well.


Here are a couple of links that you can visit:

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