Friday, June 20, 2014

No combat troops

That's what the man said. He made it clear he would not be sending combat troops to Iraq. He said it loud and clear into a microphone in front of a bunch of reporters.

So I guess these guys aren't really troops and they aren't really being sent into a combat zone.

This is just as good as all those times he said, "If you like your healthcare plan, you'll be able to keep your healthcare plan."

Can someone please explain to me why our government is so quick to send our boys into harms way for that sh!thole of a country? Why do we care? I don't see the Swedes falling all over themselves to send their boys over there to get killed. I don't see the Argentinians packing their kids up and making them go over there.

Why are we going over there?

This is like Vietnam all over again.


The Dog and The Pig like to hang out together.

That little pig belongs to one of my neighbors and he loves The Dog.

And believe it or not, The Dog loves him.

They hang out together for a few minutes, run around like little kids and then The Dog decides that he needs to finish his walk so off we go. Sometimes The Pig tries to follow us but his owner scoops him up and tells him no.

I live in a pretty cool neighborhood.


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