Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Five in a row.

Not only have the Red Sox won five games in a row, they have won eight of the last ten they've played.

This, in my humble opinion, is what they need to continue to do if they want to be playing baseball in October.


The key phrase in this story is: "On Sunday's 'Meet the Press,' Secretary of State John Kerry outlined the case for pro-Moscow separatists in Ukraine being responsible for attacking the Boeing 777 but clarified that a final conclusion hadn't been reached."

So much for the whole "We know that plane was shot down by Russian-backed seperatists" that has been pushed by our esteemed leaders for the last five days.

We should have backed Putin when he said the Ukrainians illegally overthrew the elected government and bypassed democracy in favor of a coup. I thought we were supposed to support democratically-elected governments?


Try these links out for size:

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