Saturday, December 19, 2015

The job is done.

We have moved every piece of furniture, clothing, piece of paper, photograph, kids hand-made card and 4th grade report card out of my moms apartment and turned the keys over to the facility manager.

We found a lot of "stuff" that has meaning to us and we all picked out things to hold on to. For instance, I found a note that my dad had written me back in the mid 1970s

I like to think that I remembered to call my mom and I didn't have to give him any of that "I forgot" crappola.

Oh, and for the record, she didn't save the note because of the note. She saved it because it's written on the back of my sisters report card. I recall a major paper shortage in that house so we wrote each other notes on whatever happened to be laying around.


Here's a link:

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