Friday, September 15, 2017

And the saga continues.

Our esteemed senators are pushing legislation to "hold Equifax accountable!"

As always is the case with our legislators, they are late to the party. The information is out there and holding someone accountable is nice but that doesn't really help me.

All that's going to happen is three or four executives will be fired and given millions of dollars in severance. The rest of us will be left trying to stop someone from stealing thousands of dollars from us.

I'll ask the question I always ask our legislators: "What are you doing for me? How does this help me?"

The Red Sox were fined for using electronics (Apple watch) to spy on opponents.

Oh, and the Yankees were fined for using electronics (bullpen phone) to spy on opponents.

Can we get back to playing baseball now?

While I watch the Red Sox play the Rays down in Tampa, you can click on these links:

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