Monday, September 4, 2017

I have rounded up to the max

We have a major infestation of a vine known as the Virginia Creeper. If you are unfamiliar with the the creeper, take drive on almost any of the highways around here and you'll see it draped off the trees. It's a weed that grows on everything, kills it and then it destroys it's victims corpse.

I found a little something called RoundUp 365Max that had written warnings all over it that basically said, "This is death. It will kill everything it touches. Don't spray it on anything you want to keep alive. Seriously. we're not kidding. This is worse than Agent Orange."

So I wandered through the woods along our fence line spraying everything that grew near the fence.

And not near the fence.

And far away from the fence.

Hell, I'm pretty sure one or two pine trees are going to die soon but I don't care. I want that creeper gone and, if this stuff works as avertised, I'll pay someone to cut down the dead trees.

The Red Sox are on the fast track to blowing the season and starting their vacation early.

They lost three of four to the Yankees and are now only three and a half games in the lead. If the Yankees continue to win and the Red Sox don't get their shit together, their season will end on October 1st.

The Blue Jays are in Boston to play a three game series with the Red Sox.

While I watch game one of that series, you can click on these:

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