Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Charlie Hustle

Pete Rose passed away yesterday.

The man gave his heart and soul to Major League Baseball and to the Cincinnati Reds. He was, as far as I know, the last "player/manager" in baseball.

But he screwed up. He decided to place some bets. He bet on basketball, he bet on football and he bet the ponies but he denied betting baseball.

Well, maybe he did bet on baseball but he said he never bet on the Reds.

The MLB Commissioner, Bart Giamatti, didn't believe him and suspended Rose for life. This made him ineligible for consideration to the baseball Hall of Fame.

Pete Rose is the greatest player to never be in the Hall of Fame.

Speaking of dead people, I find it hard to believe that Willie Nelson outlived Kris Kristopherson. If Keith Richards outlives Mick Jagger, it'll be the harbinger of end-times.

Also, John Amos was a good actor.

No, I won't be watching the debate between Jimmy "It's not eyeliner! I'm mysterious!" Vance and Timmy "That guys is weird!" Walz.

Let's face it, neither one of them is going to say anything I want to hear. Vance is going to turn every question into a statement about the border and Walz is going to ramble on like my narcoleptic Uncle Joe.

I can hear them now:
  • "Senator Vance, what will the Trump administration do about the current state of the economy?"
  • "The problem is our borders. We'll get money from Mexico to build our wall and that will mean people will have jobs building our wall which means they'll earn money to pay those $400 weekly grocery bills and $3,000 monthly rents! And those walls will stop the bad people from eating our dogs! They eat all of our dogs all the time. And cats. They eat our cats! That's why they don't have $400 grocery bills!"

  • "Governor Walz, what will the Harris administration do about the current state of the economy?"
  • "Well, that guy over there is just weird. That other guy is weird too. And they smell funny. That guy has weird makeup on and the other guy has weird hair. I remember when my nephew Billy had weird hair, we all called him Weird Billy till he moved to Omaha. Weird place that Omaha. I went to Omaha once. They got weird barbecue. I like barbe... (Sound of head hitting podium and then snoring)."
So no, I will not be watching them. Instead I will be watching the Mets play the Brewers at 5:30 and then maybe a few innings of the Braves playing the Padres at 8:30.

It's an indication of the sad state of American politics when instead of watching a debate between two guys running for the second highest office in the nation, I will watch two baseball games that I could care less about...

The Tigers are currently beating the Astros in the 9th inning. This is good because I don't like the Astros.

The Royals and the Orioles are playing right now and it's 0-0 in the 5th inning.

The Mets and the Brewers game will start in about a half hour (5:30).

Go Mets!

Here are today's links:

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