Friday, October 31, 2014

Two more years for Koji

The Red Sox signed a two year, $18 million contract today with their closer, Koji Uehara.

Some folks are going to say that's kinda nuts. The man is almost 40 years old which means he'll be pitching in the playoffs when he is 42 years old.

I say those folks can just be quiet and see what happens.

The man my be on his last leg but he has those moments of brilliance that seem to make him invincible on the mound. I see no reason to doubt that he won't continue to have those moments.

I also fully expect that I will say things like, "What the hell were they thinking when they signed this washed out guy!"

Either way, they now have two more years with a closer they are familiar with. That isn't necessarily a bad thing.


I read an article on NBCNews that essentially said the cops got lucky when they captured that slime-filled pussbag coward in Pennsylvania yesterday.

To the writer of that article I say, "They managed to find him in 3,000 heavily-wooded acres of land. I bet you couldn't find a man in 3 partially-wooded acres of land."

It's not easy finding someone in the woods. Specially someone who doesn't want to be found. To say they got lucky is damn near insulting to the LEOs that slogged through those woods, stalking a man who had already proven himself a decent shot and who hated cops. Those folks must have sensed cross-hairs on their backs every time they went out to search for him.

Being at the abandoned airfield to spot him was not luck. It was an assignment. Some commander told those guys to search that airfield and that's how they found him. It's not like they were out for an afternoon stroll.


Here are some links you can click on while The Dog and I hand out candy to semi-disguised children:

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