Thursday, May 21, 2015

Busy day today.

I didn't have time for a lot of newsing today but I do have something to say:

Can someone please just shoot this asshole.

The trial for the cowardly asshole that murdered my 24 year old neighbor is starting and they are trying to make him out to be some poor maligned soul who was abused and rejected by society.

This, my friends, is pure unadulterated bullshit.

He is nothing more than a putrid piece of cat puke stuck to the bottom of our collective shoe and he needs to be gotten rid of.

Since we are so against the death penalty, I vote we put him in a very small row boat, tow it three or four miles out to sea, anchor it and leave him there.

Someone can fly over every few days and drop some food in the general area so he doesn't die of starvation because, hey, that would be cruel....


Here are some links:

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