Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Not watching them play baseball did not help.

They still lost.


They lost last night and again this afternoon.

Basically, they suck when I watch and they suck when I don't watch.

I might as well watch them.


My friends are going through the most difficult thing I can imagine and I wish I knew what to do for them. They are in a courtroom in Boston listening to the evidence the BPD Homicide detectives accumulated in the investigation into their daughters murder.

Mom actually was called to testify yesterday and she did it with more dignity and grace tham I could have ever shown.

The monster that took her little girls life sat a mere 10 feet away from her but all she ever did was look at her husband and answer the questions.

As for dad, he told me he is struggling with not saying anything at all. He knows that if he says or does anything, there will be a mistrial and the trial process will have to start all over again. I told him that they spoke volumes about themselves and their family when they wrote a letter to the South Boston community days after her murder.

These folks are some of the best neighbors we have and they don't deserve this. They are kind people with an air of great dignity who have never done anything to hurt or disparage anyone.

The monster that is Edwin Alemany is nothing more than pure evil and he should die for what he did.


Try these links:

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