Sunday, August 23, 2015

My eldest is now a married man.

We spent yesterday at our eldest child's wedding. It was an outdoor wedding and while it was a nice affair, it was just a tad warm. Too be honest with you, at one point it was hot enough to pour molten steel.

I've never been a big fan of anything held outdoors. It's always either hot enough to turn your average human being into a puddle of phlegm or so chilly and damp that you wish you had brought your North Face ski jacket.

And on those rare occasions where the weather is okay, the bugs really have a good time turning you and your fellow attendees into a free meal.

So anyways, like I said, it was a nice event and now we're settled back in at home. My son is now married and all is well with the world.


The Red Sox managed to blow a 2 run lead in the ninth inning, losing to the Royals 8-6. I'm thinking using Tazawa as the closer probably wasn't such a good idea.

All-in-all, they are still playing some pretty good baseball right now but unless they go on a nice long winning streak, they don't stand a chance of playing baseball in October.


And now my plan is to fall asleep early in an attempt to recover from our late Saturday night.

While I do that, you can click on these:

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