Thursday, August 20, 2015

Still on vacation...

...and still lovin' it!


Before you go getting all excited about the latest news on the Tom Brady vs. Roger "I'm an arrogant prick" Goodell thing, please note that the key phrase in this story is: "Perhaps Judge Berman wants the media to hear his disgust with the NFL’s methods because he reluctantly believes that he’s obligated to rule for the NFL."

The judge is making it look like he's got Brady's best interest in mind but everyone has to remember that his job is to determine if there were any problems with the process, not if Brady is guilty of letting the air out of the footballs.

I will be surprised if the judge says anything at all about the punishment meted out by Roger "Screw the players, I'M THE NFL, not them!" Goodell. What he will say is that the players gave up their rights to redress any grievances against the commissioner when the players union signed the collective bargaining agreement back in 2011.

And they signed it with no outage clause.

And they signed it with a 10 year life.

They are stuck with it until 2020.


Here are a few links to appease you while I watch the Red Sox play the Royals, the number one team in the American League:

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