Thursday, March 6, 2025

They're back...

Back in November, I noticed a drastic drop in the amount of junk email I was receiving. The main reason for the drop was the shutdown of a scam gang out of India. Well, that and the fact I logged into my ISP's email server and created a filter to block all email from the annoying Trump people.

So for the last four months, I have enjoyed almost no junk mail. And by "none", I mean only three or four emails a day.

Today, it looks like someone has launched a new mail server and has decided to let me know about all the great things they have for me:

The stock market collapsed again today, dropping another percentage point.

This puts the market decline almost 5% since Trump took office.

I sure hope it doesn't continue to drop like a stone because I like being retired and I really don't want to go back to work...

The Red Sox lost to the Blue Jays this afternon and I got to watch it.

NESN didn't cover the game. Instead, they carried the Blue Jays coverage and I gotta tell you, those guys are really good.

They are not "homers" and they did analysis on several of the Red Sox players that was fair and just as knowledgeable about the players as the NESN commentators usually are.

Don't get me wrong, I would have liked to see them win but at least I got to watch them play.

The Bruins are playing the Hurricanes this evening, so I have some entertainment.

Here are some links:

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