Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day to all you dads.

I hope you managed to get a nap in.


I've come to the conclusion that ESPN likes to screw with me. Several times a year, ESPN takes a Red Sox game and when they do, they move the game start time back an hour. That means that this evening, the game will start at 8:00 pm and probably go until 11:30 pm and, as we all know, 11:30 pm is waaaaay past my bedtime.

I think ESPN does this just to screw with me because about 15 years ago, I was in their broadcast studio down in Connecticut and I might have mentioned, just in passing, that I remembered when Bill Rasmussen was at WWLP and maybe, just maybe, I might have said that he struck me as first class a$$hole.

You would think they'd be over it by now....


We here at The DailyNews© World Headquarters are beginning the preparations for the upcoming college year. That means we are once again looking for the best deals on dormitory "stuff".

As any parent of a college student will tell you, they need lots of "stuff" when they go to school. Everything from sheets for the bed to a small television. They need power strips, extension cords, tool kits, duct tape, etc... and things you didn't think of.

The things you didn't think of are the things that are going to cost you a lot of money.

Here's what is going to happen: You will move your child into their room and, as they are setting everything up, you will discover that you forgot double-faced tape to stick the posters to the wall. That's when you will say, "I bet they have that over at the school store!" and you will run over there to get some.

And that, my friends, is when you will pay $10.00 for a $2.00 roll of double-faced tape because if there is one thing that every school store in the world is good at, it's price gouging.

For you parents that are going to be taking your first child off to college come August, trust me when I tell you this: Before you arrive at the school, take a drive through the nearest town and find the closest WalMart. You will be a lot better off if you make a list of the things you "forgot" as you go along and then make a quick WalMart run just before you leave for home.

Your wallet will thank me.


Here are some links you can click on:

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