Saturday, June 2, 2012

Rain - it makes the grass grow.

While the rain might be making my grass grow, it's also making the ground soft and mushy. That means that when the 80+ kids show up at my house tomorrow and start hanging around, my yard is going to turn into a muddy mess.

So much for me having a lawn this year...


My son had a great time at the Ultimate Party last night. He was home and in bed by 7:00 this morning and for that, I am extremely grateful.

When I graduated from high school, it was very common for at least one or two kids to die in an alcohol-fueled car wreck. My class lost four or five over the course of the spring, the class before me lost four in one night and the class after me lost a few as well.

How our parents survived those times, I'll never know.

Now-a-days, us parents all Thank God for things like the Ultimate Party. My son may be exhausted but if that's the worst he has to deal with, I'm a happy guy.


Time for an update on the Red Sox:
    They are no longer in last place in the American League East!
This has been your update on the Red Sox.


Here are some links to help you enjoy your day:

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