Saturday, September 20, 2014

Another night with lots of sleep.

I think I might be working too hard or something because I was freakin' exhausted last night.

I fell asleep around 8:00 and slept straight through until 6:00 in the morning.

It was nice.


Since the Red Sox are out of the picture, I've decided to throw my weight behind the Pittsburgh Pirates.

I'd like to see Billy Beane and his Oakland A's win a world series but I'd like the Pirates to win it more so I'm rooting for them.

Besides, my cousin Paddy would probably get mad at me if I didn't yell, "Go Bucs!!!" every once in a while. (For those of you that don't get it, a pirate is also a buccaneer so the 'burghians all call the Pirates the Bucs.)


Even though they aren't in an position to win any series, world or otherwise, I'm still gonna watch the Red Sox play the Orioles. Good baseball is still good baseball.

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