Sunday, September 7, 2014

Baseball won't be the same

Today was Derek Jeter Day at Yankee Stadium and it is the official end of an era.

While there are about 20 more games to be played in the season and the Yankees are trying hard to make the post season (no, they aren't gonna make it), today was the day that the Yankees got everyone together in Yankee Stadium and told Jeter that he would be missed.

It was a nice ceremony and Jeter gave a nice thank you speech to the Steinbrener family and to the fans.

Proof once again that the Yankees know how to do it right.


I know that a lot people like to accuse NBC News of being a liberal voice for the Democrats but I'm not sure I agree with that assessment. Hell, take a look at Chuck Todd's interview of President Obama and you can't really say that NBC is coddling the President.

In my opinion, the key question in that interview was, "Was that bad intelligence or your misjudgment?"

There is no good answer to that question.


While I ponder my inevitable return to work tomorrow morning, you can visit these two links:

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