Friday, September 19, 2014

Much better day today.

I fell asleep at 8:30 last night, woke up at 12:30, fell back to sleep shortly after and slept straight through until 4:00 this morning. hell, I have a feeling that for the first time in a long time, I actually got some REM sleep.

So that means I felt pretty darned good all day today.

It also means I'm probably going to fall asleep early again but that's okay. Falling asleep early doesn't bother me, it's the waking up three or four times at night that bother me.


Mr. Davis, I appreciate the fact that you are well-versed in the ways of law enforcement and I respect your years of public service but please, allow me to retort.

Your report is crap.

It ignores and/or downplays the responsibility of one important group - the students.

How come college students, or any large like-minded group, are excused their terrible behavior by our society? Is it because it's considered bad form to bust heads and break the group down into it's components so the damage to the innocent can be minimized?

Is it because we think to ourselves, "They're just kids"?

To that I say, bullshit, they are not "just kids".

"Kids" are human beings under the age of 16.

In my world, when you are old enough to take control of a 2,000 pound machine and hurtle it down the road at deadly speeds, you better be old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.

And it's just wrong to go smash up someones hard-earned property for no reason.


Here are some links:

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