Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I have a cold.

Last night I started to feel a little water-logged and I noticed a bit of a runny nose. This morning I found myself deep into a full-blown headcold with a lovely sinus headache and difficulty breathing through my nose.

I took two DayQuil and brought two more to work with me to take after lunch.

I hate colds.

They suck.

And drip.


The Red Sox picked up another outfielder because apparently they have implemented a "you can never have enough outfielders" policy.

They played the first game of a double-header at 1:30 this afternoon and they managed to win the game.

Tonight's game two is at 7:00 and I'm probably not going to watch a lot of it. The one thing you can count on with me and head cold medication is that I will fall asleep a few minutes after taking it.


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