Monday, June 1, 2015

Holy Crap!

Read this story.

Go ahead, I'll wait...

Done? Good.

What the Iraqi's are saying is that ISIS is now as well-armed as the American Army because they are in possession of millions and millions of dollars of American military hardware.

Sure, the headline says "Humvee" but read further into the article and you'll see the words "armor", "machine-guns", "grenade launchers" and "tanks".

So not only are they now a heavily-armed fighting force, they are also indistinguishable from the Iraqis and the Americans.

Think about it: How does the pilot in the A-10 know the difference between a tank or Humvee being driven by a bunch of ISIS terrorists and a tank or Humvee being driven by American or Iraqi soldiers? How does the drone operator know the difference? How does the recon team sitting on a rocky outcrop watching a road know the difference?

They don't know the difference, that's how.

Boy, I sure am glad we allowed that Arab Spring thing to happen while at the same time we pulled our troops out of there.

This is turning out to be a very, very bad situation.


So Microsoft wants me to upgrade to Windows 10

I'm not entirely sure I want to upgrade but what the hell, I'll give it a try.

Be prepared for me to complain about it...


Try these links:

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