Saturday, January 19, 2019

Guess who likes having the government shut down

Seems like Peloschummer is not going to do anything to open up the government until she gets her way.

This is like watching two spoiled children who should be playing a game of catch but instead are both calling each other names, taking their respective ball and going home.

I hate all politicians.

Look like we can expect more ice than snow tomorrow. They have lowered the snow totals but keep warning us about ice and power outages.

I have several full gasoline cans, a full tank in my snowblower and my generator is good to go.

As long as the cable doesn't go out, I should be all set. The game is on at 6:30 and I'm hoping any outages are cleared by then. If that isn't the case, I'll have to rely on my over-the-air antenna to pick up CBS during a snow/ice storm.

Something tells me I'm not going to fair well.

I'm going to eat some dinner and then fall asleep watching bad television.

While I do that, you can do these:

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