Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Social justice is rapidly taking away our right to real justice.

I'm getting a little sick and tired of this whole social justice movement that seems to be nothing more than medieval villagers with pitchforks and torches. The people behind this "movement" have decided that real justice is no longer an option - you are guilty when they say you are guilty.

The teenager that "faced off" and disrespected the "poor innocent Native-American Vietnam vet" has been castigated by the media, received death threats and been told he might be expelled from school because he is a terrible human being.

He was not given a trial, he was not allowed to present evidence (which, by the way, shows the drum-banger as the one who did the approaching and disrespecting) and he certainly wasn't given the positive media attention that the drum-banger was given despite the fact that he did not do anything negative to the guy who was in his face, chanting and banging a drum.

But here we are with the media and all of the social justices saying, "He's guilty! Drag him out of his house and burn him at the stake. Then burn his family as well because they are nothing more than privileged white people, scum of the earth!"

I'm beginning to hate what is happening to our society.

And so should you.

Here are a few links you can visit:

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