Thursday, January 10, 2019

I'm tired.

So what else is new.

I went to the dentist this morning and man, I hate going to the dentist in the winter. My bottom lip split open and started bleeding a few weeks ago because of the dry air. I did everything I could to get it to heal and I was successful last week.

After todays trip into the world of dental care, it split back open.

I go through this every year. My lip splits in the same place every winter. You would think that the scar tissue would build up and make my lip look the bottom of my foot.

I've never made it a secret that I hate humidity but right now, I could use a little humid air.

The government says it is still shut down but that's a lie. The government is still fumbling around and spending my tax dollars without a care in the world. The only thing that is shut down is the bureaucracy that was created by the government.

The Government is just fine, it's the poor bastards that work for a living that are shut down. The ones I feel really bad for are the Coasties.

The Army, the Navy, the Marines and the Air Force are all still being paid because they all fall under the DoD. The Coast Guard, however, falls under Homeland Security and they are not getting paid.

Most of them are paid crap and are at the poverty line to begin with so I would assume their savings are pretty thin. Not sure how some 24 year old kid with a wife and one or two children is going to survive without being paid.

Here are todays links:

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