Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Another day, another loss

The Red Sox lost to the Indians last night 6-5. It was tied in the ninth 5-5 and in the bottom of the ninth, the Indians scored their 6th run.

That was all it took.

Hopefully they get back to winning tonight.

Despite the low clouds and rain, I managed to do an hour+ with my instructor working on complex / high power aircraft today. I'm going to try and get another hour in tomorrow.

It's interesting flying a plane with retractable landing gear and enough horse power to make it go really fast. I wasn't intimidated and it was pretty intuitive. The big trick is to remember to put the gear down before you land. That's important. Very, vey important.

I was able to do seven landings in a mild crosswind (maybe 6 knots from the right) and during all seven of them, I remembered to not only put the gear down, I also managed to keep the plane on the centerline in the aforementioned crosswind and still land smoothly.

Smoothly is important because a plane with retractable landing gear isn't quite as robust as a plane with fixed gear. It likes to roll onto the runway, not slam into it.

As I always say, good landings are important.

Well, time for me to settle in for some baseball.

Enjoy these links:

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