Friday, August 30, 2019

This could be a good night for the Red Sox

The Red Sox are playing the Angels and the last time they played the Angels, they split the four game series with them. I say a good night because when they split that series, the Red Sox were playing some of the worst baseball of their season. I am saying that they stand a very good chance of wining at least 2 of the 3 games in this series.

If they can win tonight, the goodness comes in with the fact that the Yankees are playing the Athletics and the Indians are playing the Rays. That means the Athletics and the Rays both stand a good chance of losing tonight.

My hopes are that tomorrow morning, when I wake up and check the scores, I discover that the Red Sox are four and a half games behind the Athletics in the wild card.

Like I say, I can dream.

I apologize for not providing a grass update yesterday. I know it's important to you.

And so, without any further ado, it's time for your Daily Grass Update:
    Granted, it's little tiny shoots of grass just barely
    sticking out of the dirt but it's grass none-the-less!
This has been your Daily Grass Update.

No, I will not be watching any baseball this evening. The game isn't on until 10:00 and I expect to be sound asleep by then.

Here are a few links for you to enjoy:

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