Monday, August 19, 2019

No baseball tonight

The Red Sox are on an off day while they await the arrival of the Phillies for a two game series.

The Rays are playing the Mariners tonight and based on the standings, I don't think the Rays are going to lose that game.

That means even without playing, the Red Sox stand to drop half a game in the wild card. Or maybe the gods will smile they'll gain a game!

Hey, I can dream, can't I?

I spent an hour today listening to a presentation by the federal government about China.

Man, those people are seriously concerned about China.

The presentation was not open to the public so I won't bother you with the details but I will say that when the feds don't want anyone doing business with Huawei, they have some pretty damn compelling reasons. And evidence.

And Huawei isn't the only one they think we should stay away from.

Well, I'm going to watch some bad television.

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