Saturday, August 3, 2019

They are in full blown suck mode

They lost last night and then they lost again this afternoon. That's a 6 game losing streak at a time when they need to be winning every game.

Since today is a double-header day, I guess we'll see what tonight brings.

We managed to get some yard work done before the rain rolled in. This includes getting the back yard mowed, cutting down a small bent over oak tree and my wife doing more weeding than necessary.

Tomorrow is supposed to be rain-free so I'm hoping to get the front lawn (what's left of it) mowed and my wife is hoping to finish up the weeding.

I've scheduled four hours of flying time with my instructor in the hopes of learning to fly complex, high-power aircraft. I also want to work on some instrument flying skills. One skill I really want to learn is how to land using only instruments.

I have this fear of taking off on a nice sunny day and while I'm off in the wild blue yonder, a bunch of clouds roll in making it impossible to see the airport. There are instruments and specific flight patterns that can get you close enough to the airport to see the runway and land safely.

That seems like a good skill to have.

I'm going to watch the Red Sox / Yankees game.

While I do that, you can do these:

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