Sunday, December 21, 2014

I have been purposefully avoiding this.

But now it's time for me to vent...

A 6 foot tall, 250 pound thug named Michael "Big Mike" Brown, along with his friend Dorian Johnson, strong-armed a 5 foot, 140 pound business owner and walked out of his store with approximately 10 cheap cigars. Shortly after that, when confronted by police, Brown attacked Officer Wilson.

Brown attempted to disarm Officer Wilson and during the struggle, he was shot several times and he died.

Michael Brown isn't dead because he was a black male. If he were dead because he was a black male, his friend Johnson would be dead too. Brown is dead because he was a thug who tried to use his size to dominate and intimidate his fellow human beings. He was going to get what he wanted and screw everyone else.


A 6 foot tall, 250 pound hustler named Eric Garner was standing on the sidewalk in front of some stores, selling single cigarettes, also known as "loosies". The store owners called the police and, in keeping with the orders from the Mayor of New York, the police responded to Garners flagrant "quality of life" violation.

Garner was confronted and informed he was under arrest. He refused to cooperate and used his size to resist the officers who were attempting to subdue him and effect a legal arrest.

During the ensuing struggle, Garner was placed in a choke hold, forced to the ground and he went unconscious. He later died in the hospital.

Eric Garner is dead not because of a 10 second choke hold. He is dead because he wasn't paying the city/state of New York the cigarette tax they demand. You can bet the state isn't going to tolerate that type of behavior....


At no point did any of the police officers involved in either one of those situations do anything other than what they are asked to do every day.

They are asked to enforce the rules of our society, nothing more, nothing less. They are asked to step forward, step up and step in during situations that make most of us walk the other way.

Now two of those officers are dead, assassinated by a murderous monster who believed he was doing the right thing.

I'm not certain why that cowardly slimeball believed he needed to walk up and shoot two police officer without warning but I have a feeling he might have been listening to people like Al "I have a real big mouth" Sharpton.

Maybe it's time for someone to charge the reverend with inciting a riot or something like that because he sure seems to be causing more problems than middle-eastern terrorists.


Enough of that, here are some links:

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