Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Thus ends another year

I gotta admit, this was a fairly decent year for us if you don't count the youngest getting his tonsils removed.

Yes sir, we managed to make it through the year with little or no medical emergencies which for us is a miracle.  We also all managed to remain gainfully employed, which in this day & age is a pretty good feat.

Once again, I've managed to keep my 2014 New Years resolution which was to make no resolutions.

Hey, one should always set goals that are attainable.


FYI for you movie buffs, I watched a movie called R.I.P.D. which stands for Rest In Piece Department. It's actually pretty damned funny. You should check it out.

On the other hand, we also watched a movie called Oblivion. It sucked. Don't even bother renting it because that's two hours of my life I won't get back.


I hope you all have an interesting New Years eve and none of you over-celebrate. As for us, we'll be enjoying some Chinese food and falling asleep early.


Here are some links:

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