Thursday, December 1, 2016

Bad day to fly

I was hoping to get an hour of instrument instruction in today but the weather prevented that from happening. My instructor didn't think flying in 23 knot gusts while under a hood was a good idea. I agree with him.

Perhaps tomorrow will be different because I'd like to get these last few hours done before Christmas.

I always see actors and musicians standing in front cameras telling me that I should send money to their current favorite charity. They put on their best sad face and plead with us to send just a little money while behind them, a screen shows the horrific conditions that their charity d'jour is experiencing.

I hate those people when they do that.

I know that there are shitheads in this world that abuse animals but I turn the volume down on the TV when I hear Sarah McLachlan start singing In The Arms Of An Angel.

I know there are children living in shitty conditions in countries that aren't the United States but I flip the channel when I hear that soft spoken guy come on the TV and start telling me about how little Juan has to walk five miles to get some dirty drinking water.

Why do I do that? Because those actors can't be bothered to spend a dime of their own money to help that cause and as a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised to learn they were paid to make that commercial.

But then, every once in a while, someone famous does something meaningful without a lot of fanfare or recognition and my faith in humanity is restored.

Along comes someone famous like Dolly Parton and I feel like maybe not every famous person is an asshole.

You should think about clicking on these:

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