Friday, December 30, 2016

Did you all survive the blizzard?

After all the hype about the storm, we end up with about 1/4 inch of crusty snow-like stuff.

Thank goodness we had plenty of bread, milk and batteries on hand....

Is it just me or does anyone else think Obama is a spoiled brat?

He spent the first five years of his presidency blaming every problem he ran into on George Bush.

Then, after more than a few people pointed out that he had been in office for more than four years and he should have been able to fix all of those so-called problems, he stopped blaming Bush and started blaming Boehner for everything.

Then, after Boehner stepped down, he started blaming Russia and Israel for the fact that his "arab spring" is a terrorist's wet dream.

Now he's blaming the media and the Clintons for the fact that we're gonna have Donald Trump as President.

At what point does this guy take responsibility for his own actions as well as his administration and its insane policies?

Say what you want about George Bush, you've got to admit he kept his mouth shut over the last eight years and never once said anything negative about Obama.

While Obama was bad-mouthing everything Bush did during his eight years in office, Bush was sitting in his house painting pictures, going to airports to greet arriving troops and just being a generally classy guy. In my mind, both he and his wife Laura were far more civil, polite, kind and generous than the Obama's will ever be.

The links are here:

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