Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas is not over yet.

Tomorrow marks the traditional end of my Christmas when my family all gets together and has a generally good time.

Last year was a little tough without Mom and she will be missed again this year but we will still have a good time.

The Buffalo Bills fired Rex "Help! I'm talking and I can't shut up!" Ryan today.

He'll still probably get the remaining $12 million on his contract so it doesn't really suck to be him but at least we won't have to listen to his bullshit press conferences every time his team plays the Patriots.

Ryan has always had a problem with Bill Belichick and when he was the coach of the Jets, he tried to start a "rivalry" between the Patriots and the Jets. Much to his chagrin, the Patriots didn't really bite and his alleged rivalry never took hold. I think it really irked him that the Patriots always said things like, "They're a tough team and they play hard. We'll have to be at the top of our game when we face them."

When he went to the Bills, he once again had some not nice things to say and once again the Patriots didn't bite.

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