Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Do not get expanding foam on your hands

I got some low-density expanding foam to fill a gap under the threshold of our back door. While I was smart enough to tape off the area around the gap and put plastic sheet on the new porch rug, I did not remember to put my TSA gloves on.

For the record, I have a box of those blue latex gloves that the TSA people wear when you are going through security. Hence the name TSA gloves.

So anyway, the rug was protected, the wall was protected and the threshold was protected but my hands were not.

The best way to describe low-density expanding foam is to imagine gelatinized super glue. It is thick and extremely sticky. And when you get it on your hands, it does not come off.

The directions claim that acetone will dissolve it. Don't believe them. Once that crap hardens, you need sandpaper to take it off your fingers.

It does a great job filling gaps though.

Had lunch with the old retired guys today and Jimmy showed up with his hand-built Cobra.

I am not a car guy and normally I could care less about cars but this is a beautiful piece of machinery. He built it over a period of 10 years and to say he was meticulous is an understatement. Everything about it is near-perfect.

He is proud as hell of it and he really enjoyed showing it off to us.

The Red Sox/Rangers are currently tied 3-3 in the eighth inning. They really, really need to win this game.

They are currently at .500 and if they lose they will have a losing record.

They are too good to have a losing record.

Tonight is the night.

Game 7 of the Stanley Cup will be played at 8:00 and I will try to stay awake to watch the whole game.

I doubt I'll make it but I'll try.

Here are a couple of links for you to enjoy:

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