Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Guess who logged an hour in the pattern today

The weather, the availability of a plane and my days off finally came together so that I was able to fly for an hour+ today. It was interesting because there was a little bit of a gusty cross wind. It wasn't a strong wind, maybe 7 or 8 knots but it was gusting. The wind was particularly fun coming off the ridge known as the Holyoke Range.

I managed to get in 6 full stop landings along with some pattern entry work. I have to admit to being a bit rusty and my landings weren't the best but they were acceptable.

I need to practice more often.

The Red Sox and the Twins played 17 innings of baseball last night with the Twins walking off 4-3.

Rodriguez is pitching tonight and I'm hoping they win.

I'm also hoping the Red Sox look into a contract extension for Brock Holt. His contract is up at the end of this year and it would be a shame if he were to go play elsewhere.

Here are todays links:

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