Thursday, June 20, 2019

I'm amazed.

The Red Sox took two games from the league leading Twins and that makes me very, very happy.

I'm amazed that they won two of three games against the Twins because the Twins are a really good team. And with those two wins, they are now 6 games over .500.

Now they are heading back to Boston where tomorrow they will start a three game series against the Blue Jays. After that it will be a three game series against the White Sox. Then they head to London where they will "host" the Yankees for two games.

Why they are going to London to play baseball is beyond me. The Saturday game will be played at 1:00pm EDT but the Sunday game will be played at 10:00am EDT.

The church people are gonna be upset...

I can't stand it when it gets hot and humid. That is when I lock myself away in an air conditioned room and try my best to never go outside.

This is just humid and I'm getting a little tired of being sticky and clammy.

Our eldest informed us today that he is indeed still immune to measles.

I realize that is a weird thing to say but to us, it's a great thing.

When he was 21 years old, he was diagnosed with lymphoma and went through chemotherapy. His oncologist let him know that his chemotherapy was probably going to reset his immune system. With the recent outbreak of measles, we encouraged him to get tested so he did., He was informed today that he is still immune to measles.

It would be a real kick in the testicles to live through a stage 4 cancer diagnosis only to end up dying from a childhood disease being spread by a bunch of anti-vaxxer assholes.

No baseball tonight so I'll probably catch up on DVRs.

While I do that, you can do these:

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