Saturday, June 15, 2019

Nice day to get the yard work done

I had some bushes that were overtaking my side yard and I don't mean by a little. I'm gonna estimate that at least 10 feet of my side yard was hidden under these things.

Thanks to my trusty hedge trimmer I was able to cut them back to a reasonable size and haul all the lumber into the woods.

After that it was time to mow the lawn and all I have to say is I'll be glad when the freakin pollen is over with. I looked like that kid from The Peanuts they called Pig Pen only it wasn't dust that was swirling around me, it was tree sperm.

The Red Sox beat the Orioles last night and right now, they are leading 4-2 in the 8th inning.

The Yankees and the Rays have been on a losing streak so the Red Sox are not only improving their win/lose record, they are gaining ground on the ALEast leaders. Assuming the win today, they will be 5 games behind the Yankees and the Rays.

I really hope they win.

Here are some links:

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