Saturday, May 5, 2012

I'm getting used to things.

For the last seven years, I've had to write HTML and ASP Script to provide to with a nicely formatted DailyNews©. Now that I've moved everything over to here, all that formatting can be done without me writing a single drop of code.

I like it.


The Red Sox lost again last night. That put them at 11 wins, 14 losses, well below .500 and pretty much in full suck mode.

In this afternoons game, Aaron Cook, a starting pitcher, went and got himself spiked at home plate trying to prevent a run on a passed ball. NESN showed the injury to his kneecap and it looked like his whole knee was ripped open.

In true tough guy fashion, he talked the umpire into letting him getting it taped up and he came back out to finish the inning. Very reminiscent of my little league days when the coach would say, "Tough it out kid. Rub a little dirt on it. You'll be fine."

But in the long run, it didn't matter. They're losing again today as I write this and are now so far out of first place in the AL East that there might not be enough games left in the season for them to catch up.

As I said earlier - full suck mode...

Well, I have things to do this afternoon/evening so here are some links that you can click on while I do those things:

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