Wednesday, January 29, 2014

No, I didn't do it.

I did not watch the State of the Union speech, or as it's called now-a-days, the "Hey Y'all! Look What I Done Did!" speech.

From what I gather, the man spent more than an hour talking about how great he is and what a fantastic job he has done.

I also did not watch the State of the State because I know what the state of the state is.

The state of the state is, "It sucks", that's what the state of the state is.

Our esteemed governor can go on and on about how great everything is out in Boston but I invite him to spend a few weeks in Springfield or Worcester. Things aren't quit so rosy out here.

Roads are falling apart, bridges are falling apart, there is no industry moving into the area and there are no jobs worth a damn. The city of Springfield is one of the most crime-ridden cities in the nation and the only hope it has for a future it is as the host of a casino.

If you think a casino is going to help the city of Springfield, it's obvious that you've never been to Atlantic City or Las Vegas.

Let me be the first one to remind you that casinos only help themselves and no one else. Casinos don't care about you, your lack of employment or your crime problems, they only care about how much money you are going to give them.

That old saying, "the house always wins" is very, very true.


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