Monday, February 23, 2015

One retirement down party down, two or three to go.

This week I will be attending more than one or two retirement gatherings for friends.

Seems that a large number of my coworkers have reached that age where they decided that enough is enough and they are leaving work in droves.

Today was Chet. I've known Chet for 20+ years and we have always had a good laugh together. He didn't work in the same department I did but I got to know him because we are like-minded people and we spent a lot of time telling each other jokes or b!tching about something.

Tomorrow is Rich. He's another guy that I met about 10 years ago when he moved into my department. Nicest guy in the world who is incapable of saying no to anything that is asked of him. Once, about 4 years ago, my car was in a shop down in East Hartford, CT and he volunteered, without being asked, to drive me down there to pick it up.

Nicest guy in the world may be an overstatement but it's not much of an overstatement.


So anyways, my days are long so my posts are short.

Get over it....


Here are some links:

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